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circular saw vs mitre saw

Circular Saw Vs Mitre Saw – Which One Is Preferable For You?

By Tools Detail

When you are working on woodworking projects, you can find many different types of saws available for purchase out there in the market. Circular saws and mitre saws hold a prominent place them. From this article, Tools Detail is going to do a circular saw vs mitre saw comparison. At the end of the comparison, you can figure out what the best type of saw that is available out there for you to get as of now.

What is a Mitre Saw?

In the first part of circular saw vs mitre saw comparison, let’s focus on what a mitre saw is all about. It’s important to have a clear understanding of what a mitre saw is or how it appears before learning the distinctions between mitre saws versus circular saws. In a mitre saw, a hinged saw which raises directly up away from the ground on a big arm is attached to a fixed base. The saw blade is circular, and depending on the blade that is attached, it may be used to perform crosscuts & mitre slices in wood, metal or even plastic.

mitre saw

On the saw’s base, the material is positioned up against a fence-like metal obstruction. While the operator clutches the handle on the saw arm and presses the trigger down to engage the blade, the fence helps keep the materials straight and also in place. The mitre saw makes precise cuts through steel corner round, plastic pipe, and timber beams by descending the rotating blade to a material.

Various Mitre Saw Types

Based on particular uses for each kind of saw, mitre saws may be divided into three smaller groups. A normal mitre saw, a combination mitre saw, as well as a sliding combination mitre saw are the three varieties. When you try to do a circular saw vs mitre saw comparison, you need to be aware of those different types as well.

Standard mitre saw

Standard mitre saws include a base or table that can rotate to the right and left, allowing the crosscut angle to be adjusted. It features a blade that can be raised or lowered vertically to slice through the base material.

Compound mitre saw

A compound mitre saw can rotate to create bevel and complex cuts thru the materials, while a normal mitre saw can just swivel its base. Most people who try to pick an option out of circular saw vs mitre saw prefer to go ahead with this one.

Siding mitre saw

The sliding compound mitre saw gives the operator the greatest versatility since it comes with a rotating table for serrated blades, a tilting blade for bevel cutting, and a sliding extended arm that makes it simpler to cut through thicker material. But it also occupies the most room in a workshop.

What is a Circular Saw?

The next part of this article on circular saw vs mitre saw is to figure out what a circular saw is all about. A circular saw is a portable instrument that mostly depends on the user for precision, unlike a mitre saw, which consists of both an arm, base, as well as a vertical saw blade which can be used without the need for a stable platform for the base to rest on.

This kind of saw may be used on metal, plastic, or wood and likewise has a circular blade, although it can be less precise than a mitre saw since it has to be held and guided through the material. Simply grasp the handle in the front of the instrument to operate it, then align the saw blade and cut it into the required material.

Squeeze the trigger to start the saw blade after placing the material on a stable, level platform that can sustain the weight while you operate. Move the saw blades into the substrate slowly while maintaining pressure in the intended direction.

circular saw

Continue applying forward pressure to drive the tool evenly through the board if you are cutting straight thru a piece of plywood. However, you must exert pressure in order to spin the saw because it cuts if you really want to produce curved cuts. With a mitre saw, these kinds of freehand slices are impossible.

Types of Circular Saws

Circular saws are available in several varieties, much as mitre saws. These include circular saws with a worm drive, a sidewinder, and small size.

Circular saw with a sidewinder

Sidewinders, often known as in-line saws, are by far the most popular kind of circular saw. To effectively spin the shaft and propel the blade at incredible velocities, they feature a motor that is placed immediately to the left of a blade. The circular saws in question are portable and light.

Worm drive circular saw

A worm drive circular saw does have the motor located behind the blade and is a common substitute for a sidewinder circular saw. Less speed but more torque for longer serrated blades and bevel cuts are the results of this design.

Compact circle saw

Due to their little size, small circular saws are sometimes known as tiny circular saws. They are useful for working in tight locations, such as within a wall. This tool’s total power is lost in order to attain its tiny size by lowering the size or output of a motor. A tiny circular saw’s blade is also much smaller than one on a typical worm drive or sidewinder saw.

Track saw

A track saw is similar to a circular saw, yet it is not a true circular saw type since it lacks the flexibility of the latter. These devices excel at producing precise, straight cuts because they are basically circular saws that operate with tracks.

What are the benefits of a Mitre Saw?

When you do a comparison between circular saw vs mitre saw, you will come across the need to figure out what offers the most benefits. Let’s take a quick look at the benefits of mitre saws.

Accurate cuts

The bevel, cross, and mitre cuts made by the mitre saw are exact. You don’t need a guide, but unlike a circular saw, to acquire an exact measurement. Simply setting the saw’s angle to the proper one will do. When you are trying to pick an option out of circular saw vs mitre saw, it is also important to pay special attention to the accuracy of the cuts that you are getting. If the cuts are highly accurate, you will never end up with any disappointment at the end of the day. Therefore, we encourage you to pay special attention to it.

Fit-specific seams

When you need to cut a few tightly fitting junctures for moldings, a mitre saw works nicely. It can similarly provide a precise cut for windows and door trims. Similar to this, a mitre saw offers precise cuts through crown & baseboards.

Quick and easy to use

With a mitre saw, you may get the desired outcome without gauging and measuring the material. Using a mitre saw would make any work much simpler and quicker, whether you wanted to make one of the four kinds of cuts, install trim in your home, or make picture frames.

Helps you save time

A mitre saw enables you to make wider cuts. This saves so much time since cutting large boards is much easier with a mitre saw. Additionally, mitre saw cutting is quick when utilizing the automated blade, particularly when using a compound mitre saw. You can quickly cut through the workpiece with its assistance.

Crosscuts and bevels are quickly cut.

It is specifically designed for cutting angles and bevels. Although the mitre saw becomes less flexible than the mitre saw, it nevertheless performs well when bevel, crosscuts, and compound are required. Any one of these cuts may be made with ease using a variety of mitre saw models.


A mitre saw is safer than a circular saw, which is susceptible to cuts. Within the reach of the arms where it is set up, the blade only travels up and down. Imagine what would happen if the saw you purchase compromises your safety. To make sure that you don’t end up with any hazards when using the saw, you will need to make sure that the product is highly safe. Hence, safety is a major concern among people who compare circular saw vs mitre saw and try to pick an option out of what is available.

mitre saw safer than a circular saw

With this saw, you seldom ever get a kickback, and as long as you wear safety eyewear, accidentally having your fingers severed wouldn’t be your biggest concern. If that takes place, you may release the blade to expel it from the hands and halt the spinning of the blade.

Drawbacks of Mitre Saws

Less adaptable

Because they are stationary, mitre saws are less adaptable than circular saws. In essence, you transport the material to the mounting location where you wish to cut it. As a result, the variety of cuts you can make with a mitre saw is reduced.

The main advantages of a mitre saw, including the simplicity with which all four kinds of cuts may be made, also have a drawback. It primarily does these cuts and nothing else. Therefore, it just makes the cuts that it is intended to make and doesn’t generate any other cuts. If you are a person who is looking for the utmost flexibility from the saw that you purchase, this would not be a good option available to consider. While keeping that in mind, you need to decide whether you are really going to buy this kind of saw from the market or not.

Many instruments would do tasks beyond those for which they were intended, but this is not the same as using a mitre saw. Using a mitre saw to split boards is impossible. It is unable to rip through thick chunks of wood either. You are only allowed to make straight-line cuts with it.

Superior and more expensive

Circular saws are less expensive than mitre saws. A mitre saw is referred to as a unique tool since it can do all four kinds of cuts, and because of this, its price is higher because of how useful its cuts are. The mitre saw is not really a common instrument found in most garages and workshops. A mitre saw may cost up to three times as much as a circular saw.

Takes up space

Due to their immobility, mitre saws need a specific area in your workplace. It may not be practical if you have a tiny woodworking shop since it would take up a lot of room. You must bring the wood you wish to cut to them in accordance with their stationery design. There are a few transferrable tabletop models. They are not, however, portable instruments that you can carry from one room to another.

Benefits of Circular Saw

Then we will focus on the benefits of circular saws. These benefits can help you make a better decision out of circular saw vs mitre saw comparison. circular saw vs mitre saw.


The circular saw is among the most practical workshop tools because of its extensive versatility. It may be used to perform a variety of cuts as well and can slice through anything, including metal, pipelines, plastic, stones, tiles, and plywood sheets. You may use it to work anywhere, including your working site and the attic. You are ready to begin as soon as you have the appropriate blade for whatever job you wish to work on.

Cutting with rips and long blades

A circular saw is excellent for long and rips cuts. If you really want to cut thru the width of a longboard, this is the saw you should use. The circular saw may also be used to split a plywood sheet in half. Most people who compare circular saw vs mitre saw are impressed by this fact.

Great for straight cuts

In addition to the few curving cuts, you’ll make, most woodworking project requires you to make a few precise lines.

Cost effective

A circular saw can be used to make every cut that a mitre saw could make. In addition to the variety of cuts it can do, it is less expensive than a mitre saw. Hence, you can think about selecting a circular saw as your first option, instead of taking a look at a mitre saw.  Cost is something that you have to focus on while you are making a selection between circular saw vs mitre saw. That’s because you don’t have to spend your money unnecessarily to purchase a product that you don’t really want. We encourage you to pay attention to the cost factor heavily.

Drawbacks of Circular Saw

Less ideal for cutting curves and angles

Although you can make curved and angle cuts using a circular saw, you’ll find that it doesn’t always generate precise curves or angles. It often results in poor angles. When using a circular saw, you must first attach a jig, measure the angle, & mark the desired curve before cutting. This involves more labor and takes more time.

In a similar vein, some sorts of curved cuts cannot be made with a circular saw due to the type of blades that are included with it and the tool’s general design.

Sharply angled cuts

Tear-outs may happen while using a circular saw. Equally, it results in broken edges. This is mostly due to its toothed blade. If you have a number of trimming jobs to do, a circular saw is not the best option. Have used a saw with a good blade in this kind of circumstance to make a smoother cut.


A circular saw is hazardous since it may cut through any kind of material. They are prone to cuts, and if you use the saw carelessly, you might accidentally cut through a branch. A circular saw that comes along with a guide is a fantastic technique to trim the edges of doors and even full-size doors before track saws were widely used.

Why not just use a mitre saw instead? A mitre saw’s 12-inch maximum capacity means that you will have to flip the screen. Which, as you may imagine, might result in an angle conflict.

Stair Stringers being cut

Stair stringers are one of the greatest instances of when a circular saw is helpful for basic carpentry. Stringers are one of the most challenging chores in building a deck (or home), requiring both accuracy in cutting and fast angle changes. In spite of the laborious arrangement, stringer cuts may be completed quickly using a circular saw. You complete the cut, just make sure to get an oscillating saw or hand saw.

Ripping sheets of plywood

Many woodworkers have trouble cutting plywood because of the following reasons:

  • Do I let the table saw cut the plywood?
  • Or is the ideal tool for cutting plywood a circular saw along with a guide?

A circular saw will be a good option for rough sawing OSB or wood that isn’t cabinet-grade. However, a tracks saw, or tabletop saw is typically the best for splinter-free cuts. As you may already know or have guessed, a circular saw works by cutting UP thru the board’s face. This causes the work surface’s face to splinter.

Circular saws have been used to construct millions of houses. Despite the fact that the majority of wood studs are already cut to the right length, many cuts still need to be done for stringers, windows, doors, and other framing jobs. Additionally, a rough circular cut is perfectly acceptable since framing doesn’t depend on flawless joins.

Final words – What should you buy?

In the end, choosing any of the options wouldn’t truly be a mistake. Our advice is to choose the circular saw since it is more adaptable. We hope this circular saw vs mitre saw comparison article offered much-needed assistance for you to gather facts in order to make a decision.

The circular saw can eventually do all the cuts that mitre saw can, but more flexible. However, you may need to train and take extra measurements. It’s an obvious winner since you have greater variety in its power, cutting depth, accuracy and cut kinds.

With the proper blade & arrangement, you’ll also be able to reduce through a range of materials, including metal, wood, and stone. In addition to doing everything a mitre saw can do, it comes in helpful for processing tiny boards or plywood needed in a variety of jobs fast. Additionally, ripping and producing dados will provide you with access to almost any cuts you would need.

Depending just on the blade diameter that you select, the circular saw offers a wider depth of cut if you really need to cut thru a bigger amount of wood. Generally speaking, you can slice more wood at once the larger the diameter. We shared all facts in this circular saw vs mitre saw article based on a detailed analysis of the two different types of saws. Therefore, you can go through them in detail and then decide what exactly you are going to purchase.

Having said that, you must establish a smooth working surface by firmly clamping the component before beginning any operations. Hence, the mitre saw could be a better choice if you simply need to swiftly do a limited number of jobs with little preparation. You could do the majority of jobs around the house quickly. The cost of this alternative will often be higher than that of a circular saw. We do advise utilizing a circular saw as the go-to instrument for woodworking whenever it comes to general usage. It does the work quickly, effectively, and efficiently.